Common Myths About Hearing Impairment


Hearing impairment is something that is getting more and more attention these days due to the rising number of hearing-impaired people across the world. Naturally, a lot of information is floating around, some of which is true while most are myths.
Hearing is such an important faculty that it is essential to know about some of the common myths. This way, you can take the right decision at the right time.

Hearing Impairment Happens Only to the Elderly

Age certainly plays a part but there are many nonagenarians who hear perfectly well!

The truth is that loss of hearing can happen to anybody at any age, anytime. This is because there are several factors that can lead to loss of hearing. Even babies are born with hearing impairment which can be corrected through surgery.

The myth that hearing loss is an indication of advanced aging, unfortunately, prevents many young people to seek help at the right time.

Hearing Loss is Reversible

There is some truth in this but certain conditions caused due to injury, birth defects or infection can indeed be cured. But major conditions such as age-related hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss (that affects the auditory nerve) are irreversible. An audiologist is the best person to evaluate the extent of damage, its cause and if it is permanent or curable.

Ears are not Really Affected by Loud Noises

This is another myth that makes people underestimate the impact of loud noises on their ears. They feel that the ears have their own mechanism for absorbing loud noises. While this is true to some extent, there is only a certain limit to how much sound your ears can withstand.

Attending rock concerts regularly, listening to loud music 27×7 on earphones, working under noisy conditions – all these have a huge impact on the health of your ears.

Continuous exposure can damage your eardrums or other parts so gradually and in such a subtle manner that you will hardly be aware of it initially till substantial damage has been done.

Hearing aids can help you listen better in such cases but will never restore your normal hearing abilities.

Need more information? Just reach out to our team at Active Audiology.


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